I have another one coming..

The nice people of Spillwords.com have decided to post another of my poems next week. This is a tweet with a previous poem.

Check out @Spill_Words’s Tweet: https://twitter.com/Spill_Words/status/868309567951818757?s=09

Published by: any1mark

I'm little pawn in giant cosmic game with no apparent rules. Ok I'm someone who travels, enjoying more out of way places. No trip is complete without a good bug or flower pic. Science, american history, nature and how things happen fascinate me

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2 thoughts on “I have another one coming..”

    1. Thank you. I’m thinking about self publishing. I have no artistic talent for the illustrations. Well, at least for now. Spillwords.com has been very good to me. They picked up a flash fiction piece and including it a special release with a few dozen pieces. Lucky helps with timing. If you have something submit to them. A response takes week to 10 days


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